Love & Respect Challenge for Coastal Marrieds Ministries

Here's the downloadable worksheet for the husbands and wives involved in the Love & Respect Challenge taking place in the Coastal Region from August 4 through September 1. 

Rules for the Challenge:

Marriage Workshop Challenge

  • Each wife should review the list of LOVE challenges on page 2. Add two personal challenges if you like. These two challenges will be worth 1 point each or more if you trade points with another challenge. 
  • Each husband should review the list of RESPECT challenges on Page 3. Add two personal challenges if you like. These two challenges will be worth 1 point each or more if you trade points with another challenge.
  • A wife may “trade points” between two LOVE challenges. For example, if a wife more highly values a “massage without an agenda” than “cleaning the bathroom”, she may trade the points between these two categories - making the massage 5 points and the clean bathroom 1 point. She may do this 5 times. Please make a note on both your copy of the Challenge brochure and on your husband’s copy. - - The same rule applies for a husband regarding the RESPECT challenges.
  • SPECIAL EXCEPTION for DEPLOYED SPOUSES - spouses may assign up to 15 points to each of the special deployed challenges.
  • After reviewing the challenges, each wife should check mark her TOP TEN LOVE challenges. Husbands will do the same for the TOP TEN RESPECT challenges. If a husband or wife successfully completes all the TOP TEN, he or she will receive a one-time ONE HUNDRED POINT BONUS.
  • In order to earn the points associated with a specific challenge, a husband or wife must:
  • FIRST - alert your spouse that you’re about to encourage them with one of the challenges (that is, you need to “call your shot)
  • SECOND - give a sincere whole hearted effort toward the completion of the challenge and try to build your spouse up according to their needs
  • THIRD - ask your spouse to make a “tally mark” or tick mark next the completed challenge in the “Tally” column (you may complete each challenge more than once)
  • Keep your total score updated so that we may publish the points of all wives vs. all husbands participating in the challenge at each weekly workshop (bring your Challenge Brochure with you to each midweek)
  • The challenge will last four weeks. Winners will be announced on Tuesday Sept 1, 2015. The losing team will prepare a talent show to be performed on August 8. Keep your total score in the boxes on the front page.
Edward AntonComment